Saturday, September 4, 2010

Let the School Year Begin!!

I can hardly believe that this will be my 8th year of home schooling my children! It has been an interesting adventure to say the least! Each year I think, "This year I will figure it out." I'm still saying that each passing school year. However, I feel so blessed to have this opportunity to train them to be respectable, intelligent, and honorable servants in society for God's glory. The privilege I have to witness them grow into young adults is priceless. I know not every family has felt the calling to do so but, I thank God he has provided perfect circumstances for us to educate in a loving, safe, and most importantly an atmosphere of TRUTH!

So as we begin another year, I still get excited about traditional school supply shopping, new backpacks, and lunch sacks. Heck, I even by myself new stuff! (This year it was a new bag with a lap top cover..whoot!) I still remember how exciting it was so have new stuff!! As things hit clearance we stock up and 'play' with our bargain findings by organizing...sometimes over and over. What can I say. I am a true nerd and organizing freak.

This year we are schooling in our kitchen as we lost our home school room in the basement due to flooding a couple years ago. I have taken the old pantry and turned into a home school closet stocked with all the supplies and books we need for the year. I love a challenge to make something work and so far, this has been great!!

The higher shelving is reserved for extra supplies (stockpile) for future use. This makes it easy for me to distinguish what I use more frequently. I will not be climbing shelves on a daily basis! No thank you! The middle shelves store binders and supplies that we do use most days and are clearly labeled. I also stocked an old spice rack on the interior part of the closet door with small items like hole punchers, small dictionary/thesaurus, and extra erasers when you need something fast.

Wednesday, September 1st was our first official day of school and we are off to a great start. Now, we are enjoying the holiday weekend and great weather. Tuesday will be here soon and we will be 'organized' and ready to go! Happy school year!


  1. Look at all that sweet organization...*drooling*

  2. Hey Angie, It was great talking with you this morning. Perhaps if I was better about checking the CrossfitIowa blog I would have known more about what's going on. (<: Great new blog. Keep up the strong work.

    I too am in a season where old doors are closing and I can't seem to find the new doors that are sure to open. I'll pray for us both.

    Psalm 27:14 "Wait and hope for and expect the Lord; be brave and of good courage and let your heart be stout and enduring. Yes, wait for and hope for and expect the Lord."

    In the meantime, a good round of organizing helps me feel better too!
