Saturday, August 28, 2010

30 Ways to Pray for our Children

So, I didn't get this post up when I said I would..Sorry!! There has been much development in the Starmer household. But, I will get to that later in future posts.

I received this prayer list on my home school loop that I thought was worth printing off and posting... 30 Ways to Pray for our Children. This is something that I will be starting this next week as school starts. There shouldn't be a day that goes by that we don't lift them up to God. After all, they are his children and not ours.

1. That they will trust in the Lord Jesus as their Savior and be examples to others.
2. That they will love the Lord with all their heart, soul, and strength.
3. That they will become wise and view life, people, and circumstances as God does.
4. That they will be humble and glorify God.
5. That they would be obedient, respectful and loyal to parents and authority.
6. That they would have a deep hunger and thirst for God.
7. They their hearts would be fertile and ready to accept truth.
8. That they would experience God's perfect love, forgiveness, and acceptance.
9. That they would learn to fear the Lord by knowing he is just.
10. That they would trust the Lord and not fear.
11. That they would be protected for the evil one. (spiritual, emotional, and physical)
12. That they would be caught when guilty.
13. That they would exercise self control and yield to God's expectations.
14. That when convicted they will clear their conscience.
15. That they would be disciplined daily to God's Word.
16. That they would joyfully accept all unchangeable things about themselves.
17. That they would understand their position in the Lord Jesus.
18. That they would desire the right friends and be protected from the wrong ones.
19. That they would not tolerate sin to enjoy passing pleasure.
20. That they will not allow bitterness and selfishness to remain in their heart.
21. That their thoughts and bodies be kept pure.
22. That they would have a hatred for sin and submit to God.
23. That they will find their God-given mate and be kept pure till marriage.
24. That they will be free from love of money and a good steward of finances.
25. That they would boldly share their faith.
26. That they will have a purpose bigger than their occupation or marriage.
27. That they will have a vision for a life of service, ministry, or missions.
28. That they would view suffering as God's vehicle to blessing to build character.
29. That satan would not have territory in their life/soul and construct strongholds.
30. That they will always remember the values of their Godly heritage and not depart from it.

(Taken from

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